Thursday, September 30, 2010

Points and lines

This Composition was created from lines, and points, both of them were photographed from different angle to get an interesting composition. The narrative of the story in the line photograph changed from the original composition. I wanted to create identical looking lines with a slight different in the movement, but now it looks like an abstract of piano chords, or stairs. As for the points the photograph gave it an interesting feel and look to it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


wataru Itou, a young art student spent over 4 years on this paper crafted city named "Castle on the Ocean".

Figure/ground, Grid, Message

Figure draw the attention where the shapes of the ground tend to be ignored. The above figure/ground is done by Roger Shepard. If you looked closely to the white space between the columns you would find human figures.

Ray Johnson's early painting "Calm Center", he added random grids of stripes, squares and different combination of colors, using the black square as the calming center point.

 Strange looking sign that illuminates the sand with it's message.

About Composition

Good composition allows you to convey a message and emotion through your image or even through type. It's about arranging your elements with the giving space. Composition can create a strong interesting piece of work, or a weak and confused piece. In composing your elements, you decide what you want your main point of focus to be.

You all can see the same thing or you could choose different point in interest.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Emotion Composition: “Joyful”

Composition Observation

To determine the focal point of your design, first ask yourself, “What do I wish to say?” The answer to this question will establish the focus of your design. Once you’ve determined the focal point you need to decide its position. You don’t want your viewers to ignore the rest of the design, so your focal point should be placed in such a way that the viewer’s eye is led into the entire design, rather than focusing only on one part of your it. You can lead the eye using curving lines, light and dark colors and other different elements.
In this book cover design and by using the Vermeer Painting it created a sense of movement to it the focal point would be the girl her head is turned slightly to the front with lights casting her face leading to the pearl earring and to her dress till you get to the bottom of the cover using 2/3-1/3 compositions, wonderful sense of colors with the earth tones and adding a shadows that reflects the black background,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Color - 50% Off

About Color

Color plays an important role in the world... It can cause attention and change actions, it can calm or irritate your eyes. It is a strong form of communication. Color is described by its value or lightness and by the visual contrast that exists between color combination, we should start by understanding the relationship between colors.

Strength and weaknesses...
When designing I give a lot of attention to the design and the content, I would consider color but not as important as the design it self and the meaning behind it,how it would go with black and white printing, and how it communicates. Color defines my mood and emotions. The process of this project took a lot to get the right combination after several test.